
Entrepreneurs for Entrepreneurs (in short OVO) believes that small and medium-sized businesses can be an important driver in the economy, prosperity and employment opportunities in low and middle-income countries. OVO’s mission is thus to promote social-economic business projects and initiatives and to reinforce them. OVO is the link between Belgian companies and entrepreneurs and local business initiatives in Africa and selected developing countries. Transfer of knowledge and financing opportunities are at the forefront.  


OVO supports initiatives that contribute to sustainable business operations. Social projects are considered if they stimulate entrepreneurship. Of course, every project and initiative is examined thoroughly first. 

OVO has a few essential conditions:  

  • The project must be ecologically and socially sustainable
  • It must directly (and permanently) benefit the local population
  • The project must become self-sustainable in the medium term
  • The project should pass a thorough feasibility study (in the short and medium term)



OVO creates the link for Belgian companies and entrepreneurs, sector federations and employers’ organizations, but is also open to working with other associations, government institutions and individuals who consider entrepreneurship paramount. 

There are two possible routes. Following the B2B path a Belgian company can directly support a small or medium-sized business in a developing country. The NGO route works with an ongoing project of one of OVO’s Belgian NGO partners (see partners).   


The financing can be done in the form of a gift or direct financial contribution or by issuing a loan. 


Network of expertise

One of OVO’s important pillars is to utilize knowledge and expertise. This could be in the field of business management (project management, financial expertise, business plan development, etc.) or in the field of product and process technical support. OVO creates a network of expertise specifically for that. 

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