Annual Report 2023

Published: 18/06/2024

More than 30 million square kilometers.
2,000 different languages.
A quarter of the world's population by 2050.

Africa and its enormous potential will shape our future in the coming decades. Ever since 2000, Entrepreneurs for Entrepreneurs has been exploring the challenges, the opportunities and the people behind the numbers. 

Also in 2023, our organization has brought together Belgian entrepreneurs with vision with African SMEs with ambition. Africa has the ideas and vitality to achieve sustainable success. Belgian companies, managers and investors have the experience and resources. Whole local communities often benefit from close cooperation. 

Would you like to know which brilliant ideas have been realized? Which projects are in the pipeline? How a team of experts and volunteers contributed with heart and soul?


You'll find it all here, in our 2023 annual report. (link to the dutch version of the annual report, the english version will be available by end july).  


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